Prime Time Media
Client : Prime Time Media LLC
Country: USA
Industry: Media Production
Problem: Prime Time Media's current website has a cluttered, difficult to navigate design that is confusing visitors. Key company, services, and portfolio information is scattered across various pages and sections with no logical alignment. The site lacks cohesiveness, providing no clear moment-to-moment flow on what content matches visitor interests or intent. This website content fragmentation results in a disjointed understanding of Prime Time's capabilities, hurting conversion rates
Objective: Streamline and restructure website content to create a cohesive, intuitive, and visitor-focused experience that communicates value quickly. Emphasize clarity on core competencies and proven service offerings.
Solution: Implement an ultra-modern, sleek interface showcasing videos and imagery similar to media/production sites like Netflix andPrimeVideo. Allow visitors to easily browse and sample video content Prime Time has produced. Integrate enhanced streaming so show reels playback smoothly. Enable scrolling video backdrops and cinemagraphs combining stills with motion to showcase production quality. Establish linked portfolio profiles for each creator/artist/editor to display their best projects. Allow for embedded Vimeo/Youtube scenes. Replace stock photos with custom shots of filmmakers and editors at work to humanize creators. Design for maximum visual impact while optimizing site speed by balancing dynamic and static elements. Conduct A/B testing of new features to guide refinements. Promote the revamped website through trade publications and industry email lists. Stay on trend by continually iterating on innovations in media websites using tools like Google Trends.
Constraints: Possible pushback within company around moving away from more traditional, block design preferred by some veteran employees.
Tech stack: NodeJS, Cloudflare, Google Cloud, CoerJS, Stimulus, HTTP/3.